Wednesday, 5 October 2011


In this video David Kelley had some good points about human centred design and how important it is. It is good how a video in 2002 is still very relevant in 2011 today.. In human centred design the needs of the user are acknowledged and this helps designers to be more integrated and accepted in projects, society and workplaces.

I think that Human Centered Design is a confusing theory, and it has alot of grey space to me, as isnt all design human centered? All the products that Kelly showed are eventually going to be mas-produced. I think if Kelly was making a video about human centered design he should have more spoke about how a person's personality affects what product they are creating, not how the product reflects the idea of developing technologies in humanisation. 

There is certainly a big market for human based design...I mean thinking about this logically, isn't that what all design is for? Of course design is going to be human centred, thats what we are designing for. What I disliked about this speech was it advertised for the 'stereotypical' human, exampling the 'cubicle' design. The fact that this was such a big project is disappointing to me. It infers that more and more people are going to end up working in office buildings in cubicles. It was nice that they were trying to make it more interactive and individualised, however the bottom line was that the cubicle is designed to be consumed more. I guess my view on this is just dependent on who I am, I think somehow or somewhere in the future there should be a design where people don't have to sit at computers and desks all day. I hope that we can design something where we are being active and interacting with the naturally of the world. 
The 'Spyfish' got me really angry, I think this product is a great idea and an excellent design. I do not like who it is targeted to. I think the target market should have been to people who do not have the ability to dive or swim underwater, or it should be targeted at education. It should not be used for people's leisure. These designs are creating a world of robots. Humans will not have to do anything, we will have machines to do everything for us. 

This is already happening so fast around us. 

The good points that Kelly brought up were the actual points about the design process. I liked how he encourages designers to get more involved and in contact in what they are designing rather than getting a machine to do this for you. An example of this would be where he made the cubicle 'come alive', using actual people to replicate an idea. 

This video had good and bad points for me, I think Kelly meant well in how he wanted to get humans more involved in the individuals designs for different things, however I disagree with what products and the reasons behind this.

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